

92 Uppsatser om Viking Malt - Sida 1 av 7

Immunoglobulin VH gen analys in human B-cell

Malt lymphoma is a malignant disease that can arise in a variety of extra nodal sites. Previous studies indicate that tumour arise from more mature B-cells.Our purpose was to examine the presence of clonality and somatic hypermutation of immunoglobulin (IgV?) of MALT lymphomas.Paraffin-embedded tumour samples from13 MALT lymphoma were subjected to rearrangement analysis, by using PCR, heteroduplex gels and sequence analysis.Successful amplification was seen in 10/13 cases and sequences of IgV? genes were obtained in 6/13, all of them were mutated. The percentage of mutation compared to germline sequences was 1,1% to 8,6% monoclonal rearrangemang. It was demonstrated that 5 of 7 clones were derived from the V?3 family, 2 from V?1 and 1 from the V? 4 family..

Viking center

My diploma thesis has focused on creating a proposal for a Viking center in Stockholm that meets the international interest. A building dedicated solely to the Viking heritage. My ambition has been to give the Viking center an architecture that can serve as scenography for its exhibitions and to give the visitors a feel for the Vikings that they have been craving.  A boat-shaped building in tribute to the Vikings boat building skills with curved stems of equal height that gives a familiar silhouette to the city.  A wood building constructed of curved beams and wood columns painted with tar..

Fibulas vikingaby på Åland - En undersökning om hur man kan förbättra, utveckla och tillföra nya idéer till en nutida vikingaby

In this essay I try to look into how to bring a new concept to an already established Viking village and how to develop the existing one. This essay also sheds light on some negative sides that a Viking village can experience in their activity.I have interviewed responsible persons at three different Viking villages: Foteviken Museum and Viking Reserve, Fornföreningen Fibulas Viking village and VikingaTider. I have also examined different kinds of literature dealing with my chosen Viking villages.I came to the conclusion that I should have chosen an other Viking village than VikingaTider because a lot of VikingaTiders activity hasn´t really started yet. On the other hand it has been interesting to see how they are trying to start the activity and which their plans are. I could have chosen an other already established Viking village to get a more varied material.There are a lot of things that Fibula can do to improve, develop and bring new aspects to their concept.I have found both advantages and disadvantages with the different Viking villages activity and strategi.Different questions about authenticity has shown to be the most difficult problem.

Fibulas vikingaby på Åland - En undersökning om hur man kan förbättra, utveckla och tillföra nya idéer till en nutida vikingaby

In this essay I try to look into how to bring a new concept to an already established Viking village and how to develop the existing one. This essay also sheds light on some negative sides that a Viking village can experience in their activity.I have interviewed responsible persons at three different Viking villages: Foteviken Museum and Viking Reserve, Fornföreningen Fibulas Viking village and VikingaTider. I have also examined different kinds of literature dealing with my chosen Viking villages.I came to the conclusion that I should have chosen an other Viking village than VikingaTider because a lot of VikingaTiders activity hasn´t really started yet. On the other hand it has been interesting to see how they are trying to start the activity and which their plans are. I could have chosen an other already established Viking village to get a more varied material.There are a lot of things that Fibula can do to improve, develop and bring new aspects to their concept.I have found both advantages and disadvantages with the different Viking villages activity and strategi.

Bestämning av utfallet av translokationen t(11;18)(q21;q21) hos patienter med MALT-lymfom genom FISH analys

Lymphoma is a group of malignant tumour diseases developing in the secondary lymphatic system. These diseases can develop in all organs as lymphocytes are ubiquitously in the body. In connection to mucus membranes we find mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, MALT, in which lymphoma can spontaneously but slowly develop, mostly at chronic inflammation or at autoimmune diseases. Today these diseases are incureable with the exception of some cases caused by Helicobacter pylori-infection. Antibiotic treatment of these cases can induce remissions.MALT-lymphomas have characteristic histological and molecular properties.

Vikingatida sjöslag

This essay have its main focus on understanding how the usual naval battle under the viking agelooked like. The timeline in question is the year 793 to the middle of 11th century. The main sourceof information are taken from the sources that have the runes and scaldic verses as their referecepoint. The study will take a brief look at the viking ships used in those battles and the weapons andarmor the soldiers would use. And then try to understand their part on the battlefield..

Religionsskiftet i Skandinavien under vikingatid och medeltid i ett kvinnoperspektiv

The conversion in the Viking Age and the High Middle Agea in Scandinavia and how this affected women is discussed. Did women get a better life when the people had converted to Christianity or not. Our written sources are later than the conversion to Christianity. Instead the material culture, graves, grave goods and runic stones, can help us understand the life of women. Nordic mythology presents a contrast between faith in the Viking Age and Christianity..

Ära och död : Mytens identitetskapande funktion för vikingatidens krigarelit

In this essay I want to investigate how the Viking aristocratic warrior elite in Scandinavia used religious mythology for the construction of their identity. The essay also takes up the concept of honor, which was important for the warriors. Honor was central to all people during Viking age and for the warriors it was absolute. In the religious myths, the aristocratic warriors justify their position in society and legitimate their acts of war. Religion continues to have importance to the warrior elite even after the arrival of Christianity.

Det medeltida Visby : en kritisk studie av disskusionen om stadens etablering

Visby is a city that at first glance is of medieval origins. The popular image of scientists today is that the city was formed in the Middle Ages. According to some of the researchers Visby was formed during the Viking Age, it is based on the basis that the area has been used for a long period. Urban development in the Nordic countries is complex and there are different opinions as to why the Nordic cities emerge. It is important to shed light on the underlying process on why cities are emerging to provide clarity as to why Visby city is emerging.

Den gotländska vikingatidabebyggelsens rumsliga placering i landskapet : en empirisk detaljstudie av Hemse socken

Joakim Schyman, 2009. Den gotländska vikingatida bebyggelsens rumsliga placering ilandskapet - En empirisk detaljstudie av Hemse socken (The spacial distribution of the VikingAge settlements on Gotland ? An emperical study of remains from Hemse Parish.)This essay investigates whether a relation between Viking age graves and Viking agesettlements in Hemse parish can be found. This was done by using database information onViking age findings, such as silver hoards, phosphate levels and location of graves in Hemseparish. Literature and maps were also used.

LNG träningsmanual för M/T Bit Viking

Denna uppsats är gjord på uppdrag av Tarbit Shipping som år 2011 konverterade sin tankbåt M/T Bit Viking från konventionell drift på tjockolja till LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas).Uppdraget som gavs var att upprätta en tränings manual till fartyget då det är ett krav från IMO (International Maritime Organization). Manualen skrevs i 3 st huvuddelar Kategori A, B och C. Kategori A är till för att manskap ombord ska få en kännedom om gasen och säkerhet runt den, Kategori B är skriven till däcksbefäl där det krävs en större kännedom om gasen och Kategori C är till för maskinbefäl. Manualen finns nu ombord på fartyget och på rederi kontoret för utbildning av nypåmönstrad personal och fortlöpande utbildning av ordinarie personal. Manualen är ett resultat på tolkning av IMO´s IGF kod (ANNEX11.

Det vikingatida bågskyttet i Birka : Ett exempel på en framstående stridskonst med främmande inslag

This paper deals with archery in the Viking Age settlement of Birka and in particular the presence of Euro Asiatic, steppe nomadic archery equipment at the Birka Garrison and one Birka grave. The equipment contains for example closed quivers and a bow case. This paper also contains a discussion of archery battle techniques and tactics in Viking Age Birka and the implications of the above mentioned equipment to this discussion. The analysis insinuates the importance and status of archery in 10th century Birka..

?Båtnitar? : Analys och konservering av järnnitar från Birkas garnison

The purpose of this paper is to analyse and discuss clinch-nails found at an excavation at terrace II in the Garrison of Birka, on the island of Björkö in Sweden. This type of clinch-nails is common in Viking age Sweden and is usually interpreted as coming from boats. The study will try to show that these types of nails could have been used in several kinds of wooden constructions. It will also show how the nails were made and what kinds of tools were used by the Viking smiths. The study has shown that this type of nails were used in several different types of wooden constructions such as boats, sleds, cart bodies, coffins, Birka's ramparts and buildings.

Djurhushållningen i Västergarn : en osteoarkeologisk fallstudie av animalt benmaterial från Snauvalds 1:2, Västergarn, Gotland

In this Bachelor thesis an animal bone material from Västergarn parish is analyzed and discussed. The purpose of this thesis is to gain more knowledge about the Viking Age/Early Medieval Västergarn. Västergarn has a few remains from former days which have been discussed throughout the years and are still a bit of a mystery for archaeologists. The main focus is to inquire into whether Västergarn was an urban, complex society or a rural settlement. This will be done by studying the animal husbandry from the property of Snauvalds 1:2.

Intern marknadsföring i tjänsteföretag : En fallstudie av Viking Line

Viking Line har bedrivit kryssningstrafik på norra Östersjön sedan 1959. Idag konkurrerar företaget om passagerarna med ett flertal andra rederier på Östersjön. Östersjörederierna står för cirka tio procent av den totala konferensmarknaden i Sverige och för rederierna utgör konferenskunderna en mycket lönsam kundgrupp både ekonomiskt och profilmässigt. Konferensbranschen är en väldigt personalintensiv verksamhet där det förekommer mycket kundkontakt. För denna bransch spelar intern marknadsföring en betydelsefull roll då personalens kundinställning och kompetens är av stor vikt för kundernas kvalitetsupplevelse.

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